The Intern Diaries: Sav

We are all on mission! We are here to love, to build relationships, and to bring hope to the dark corners of this world. But what does it mean to be on mission? I genuinely believe that the idea of “missions” is not as daunting as we make it out to be. Our mission is to love, everyday, in everything we do. Love is holding a child in your arms, letting your heart beat with theirs. Love is braiding girls’ hair and singing sweet truths about Jesus over them. Love is playing soccer for hours while collecting bruises up your legs. Love is walking hand in hand down the street with a kid who just wants to be known. Love is sharing meals and laughing around the table. Love is dancing like a fool just to crack a few smiles. Love is praying fiercely with and for people. Love is filling someone’s home and their life with worship.

My time working with Remember the Children has taught me that God works powerfully through even the smallest of actions done with the greatest of love. I have chosen to support and intern with this organization because I see the Kingdom being built through their efforts. It has been an honor to work alongside Andy and the missionaries here in Romania! They have have been a beautiful example of faithfulness, perseverance, and sacrificial love. Through their words, time, actions, and prayer, the gospel is being made known! Souls have been won, victories have been claimed, and God’s Love has been unleashed! I can’t wait to see what the next chapter holds for Remember the Children and how God will continue to use them to change the world! 


More About Sav

Hi! My name is Sav Seifert and this is my second summer interning with Remember the Children. I am passionate about working with children, building relationships, seeing the world, and sharing stories! I am currently pursuing a career in nursing and I plan to use this profession as a way to connect with hurting people and share the gospel with them!