He is Risen!

Christ is risen indeed! There is so much to celebrate in this fact. Jesus was the lamb found worthy, the perfect and forever sacrifice, and the only one death could not hold. As you gather with family and rejoice with your congregation this blessed Sunday, my prayer is that you may gain a deeper understanding of the reality of Jesus' worthy sacrifice. He gave it all in order to make a way for us to enter into the presence of God as sons and daughters, no longer slaves to sin.


"To all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God," John 1:12


At Remember the Children, we use the language "creating families" to talk about our work caring for orphans in Romania and Tanzania. The power of family, especially for children as they develop, is something we emphasize at the core of our mission. The reality is, however, that Christ is the creator of family both here on earth and in the kingdom of God, which will last forever.


I am aware today especially of the true creator of family. We have each been given the invitation to not only be saved and redeemed, but to be part of God's family. Jesus' blood was enough to make us whole, but He didn't stop there. How amazing to be chosen by the one who gave it all. As we continue on the mission God has given us, we rest with the assurance that God's love will never fail. It is the greatest honor to be adopted, especially by the one true king.


Happy Resurrection Day!



Abigail Russell