New Year as a Refugee

New Year is a time of hope and expectation, but for our Ukrainian friends it marks yet another year of war and praying to someday return to a peace filled homeland. There are still several refugees living at the East European Bible College through the support of RTC. EEBC reaches many more refugees in the Oradea region, offering supplies, education, and community. The Ukrainian community also utilizes the campus chapel for Sunday worship services. 


In the photo below, you can see a group of Ukrainian students celebrating Christmas together in the EEBC offices. Their celebration is simple, void of gifts or decorations, but it is one of thanksgiving for the gift of peace they are encountering away from the uncertainty in their country.


The picture is not far removed from the very first Christmas. Joseph and Mary found themselves in Bethlehem seeking lodging as they were away from home. The hospitality of the innkeeper gave them safety in a stable as Jesus entered our world that night. In the same way, the college opened their doors, granting safety to these students who found themselves in a city in another country unsure where they would find safety.


As I look at the picture and see them huddled together, I know that Jesus arrived on this evening as well. Together they invited his presence and gave thanks to God for providing through this difficult time in their lives.


I am thankful yet again for your generosity with our Ukrainian relief efforts. As we approach the second anniversary of the war, we are still able to give a place of safety to so many young people and offer them the opportunity to continue their studies. Christmas and New Year came and went. These students experienced the gifts of community and safety in 2023, but may we pray that Christmas 2024 brings them something different... possibly peace?


Below is also a video of the Ukrainian youth choir for you to enjoy. This was sent from our friend Marius Ban, President of EEBC.