Updates from Around the World

By Andy Baker

A lot has been happening in the 3 countries in which Remember the Children operates: Tanzania, Ukraine, and Romania. From food distribution to building homes, your partnership has been making an impact world wide. Keep reading to hear brief updates from each country!


The foundation for the school in Tabora was started this week after weeks of preparing the site. We are excited for the future of education in this community, and that RtC can provide affordable, quality, and Christian education to this community. 


Another shipment of food, pillows, and blankets left for Ternopil, Ukraine this week. Thank YOU for what you have done to help displaced people in Ukraine. Our aid is needed and welcomed by our friends there.


We were able to visit Santandrei two weeks ago and distributed supplemental food to the community. We are grateful for the ministry of our partners, Daniel and Claudia. 

Bianca continues to do an awesome job with the children in Tetchea. More and more children are coming every Sunday.

We are grateful for Lumi and the after school program in Bazna. Many of these children need help with their studies, and Lumi also teaches them English and Bible.