The School is Open!

It has been six months of nonstop construction with the hope of having the school opened by January 15.  We were a few weeks short of that goal, but the government let us teach our 130+ children at home until the classrooms were ready.  Move in day was so much fun as the children carried their chairs and desks to the classrooms, and the school was officially opened. I talked with our headmaster, Dionis Buhanda, yesterday and he said the entire facility will be completed this week.  We are constructing two large fish ponds next to the school, and the soil that is being removed is leveling the courtyard.  The stone pavers will be placed after that is completed, and then we will have a few more projects to undertake like the football(soccer) field and the playground.


As I met with our leaders last week, I learned that 60% of children have access to education in Tanzania, and the other 40% do not due to distance, space, or unfortunately finances. Government schools leave many students in overcrowded conditions that are in horrible disrepair. We want to be a solution to this problem in our region.  Presently our children from the Eternal Families Village are enrolled as the first 100 students with 17 teachers overseeing them.  This leaves room for 580 students from the community to attend. This is the beginning of Remember the Children helping the young people of this community get a quality education to help change their futures.


Please be watching for further updates, and we invite you to help as you are able as we continue to develop this magnificent campus.

