Good to be Home

Presenting to the Senior Saints (Photo Credit Margie Stallings)


It isn't often that I get to return to Newport News, Virginia, where I had the privilege to grow up in a great neighborhood, attend the best schools, and to grow up in a church that was instrumental in helping me develop a solid foundation in my personal faith journey. Today I got to share the ministry of Remember the Children with many "saints" who had been my Sunday school teachers, youth sponsors, friends of my parents, and even parents of some of my dear friends I had while growing up.


Sometimes when life keeps you so busy, it is good to return to your roots.  We all need to be encouraged in life, and I was blessed to hug and reminisce with so many people who had been impactful in my growing years. Today, if nothing else, it was good to be hugged and reminded of where my life/faith journey began, and who were some of the major influencers. 


The deeper reality for me was to see so many people who have personally contributed to the work of Remember the Children.  Today, if nothing else, was a reminder of the importance of partnership, and how when we knit our lives together, God accomplishes so much more through our faithful generosity. I also saw people who have sent cards of encouragement, offered prayers, and some who have even traveled to serve with us in Romania.


To all of our partners reading today's story, I want to thank you for your faithfulness in supporting Remember the Children, praying for us, and even coming to serve alongside of us.  We are truly a family joined together by God's call and presence in our lives to take his message of love to a hurting world. 

